- Linear: feet-inch-fractions or yards, miles, decimal feet/inch fractions, millimeters, centimeters, meters and kilometers
- Area: feet-inch-fraction, yards, acres, square-miles, millimeters, centimeters and meters, hectares, square-kilometers
- Volume: cubic feet, inch, yards, acre-feet, board feet, millimeters, centimeters, meters, kilometers, miles, gallons, liters and fluid ounces
- Weight: pounds, dry ounces, tons, metric tons, grams and kilograms
- Weight per Volume: tons per cubic yard, pounds per cubic yard, and kilograms per cubic meter
- Linear Velocity: inches and feet per second, feet per minute, miles per hour, minute and hour, millimeters and meters per second /minute and kilometers per hour
- Flow Rate: ounces per second, gallons per minute, milliliters and liters per second
- Pressure: pounds per square inch (PSI), pounds per square foot (PSF), kilo-Pascal, mega-Pascal and Bars
- Bending Moment: inch-pounds, foot-pounds and Newton Meters
- Temperature: Fahrenheit (°F) and Centigrade (°C)
- User Preferences - set custom options: Fractions, Area, Volume
- Cost per Unit: Solve unit cost and pricing
- Backspace Key: Easily correct entry errors
- "Paperless" Tape: Allows review of the last 20 entries; double-check totals
- Standard Calculations: works as a math calculator with %, +, -, ×, ÷, +/-, π, 1/x, x2, and √